Sky Valley

Sky Valley

Home Page

Starting 1 March unpaid dues for improved lots and unimproved lots will increase. If not paid, the payments will continue to increase every month thereafter.

To better serve our membership in addition to cash and check payment we are now offering the convenience of on-line payment of the Sky Valley dues, boat slip fees and canoe storage using PayPal, Credit Cards, Debit Cards.  A PayPal fee of 3.49% plus $0.49 per transaction (off the top) has been added to the Sky Valley payment options listed below.  Regardless of payment option, all payments will be processed by PayPal using the same fee.

If you have not received an invoice from the Sky Valley Office by 15 January, contact the Sky Valley Manager immediately (301-387-7190).

To Pay just click on the below options that matches' the invoice you received from the Sky Valley Office.  Then, click "Add to Cart".  Click on "Continue Shopping."  When you are done click on "View Cart" and select your payment option.  After payment is made, you and the Sky Valley office will receive proof of your payment by e-mail.  

Please do not make Boat Slips, PWC Slips and Canoe Storage payments if you have not been billed or assigned these services.  Contact the Sky Valley Office at (301-387-7190) for questions regarding unbilled services.  Your billable services are listed on the invoice mailed to your 5residence by the Sky Valley Office

Improved Lot
Dues Payment
Starting 1 March

Unimproved Lot Dues
Payment (No House)
Starting 1 March

Sky Valley
Rental Fee

Includes Special Assesment
Includes Special Assesment
Yearly $300.00 Rental Fee + PayPal fee
Leave a note for the Sky Valley Office
Improved Lot (Has a House on it.) + Special Assessment
Late Unimproved lot payment + Special Assesment
Leave a note for the Sky Valley Office
Boat Slips
(Full Size)

Canoe, Kayak & Paddleboard
Storage Racks

 PWC Slips
(Wave Runner Slips)

Includes Special Assesment
PWC Slips
Note for S.V. Office
CKP Storage Rack Payments
Note for S.V. Office
Boat Slips Plus Special Assessment
Note for S.V. Office
The Sky Valley office telephone number is:

EMail The