To: Sky Valley Members
Subject: Concerns about Rental Properties and Disruptive Activity in Sky Valley.
The Board of Directors has received detailed complaints about disruptive activities at Sky Valley homes used as rental properties. All owners of properties are required to read and abide by The Sky Valley Rental Notice located on the Sky Valley Website at www.skyvalleydcl.com/Rental.html http://www.skyvalleydcl.com/Rental.html . In addition, property owners are responsible for the actions of their guests and renters. Be familiar with the Sky Valley Rules posted on our website at http://www.skyvalleydcl.com/General-Rules.html . Please know the Board of Directors does not enjoy enforcing the rules with fines and sanctions but is poised and ready to do so if there is no other reasonable way to resolve repeated violations of the rules. We are also prepared to involve local authorities if forced to do so.
There is also a complaint about the high occupancy of rental properties. Everyone in Sky Valley is on a septic system and well water. Normally, septic systems are based on the number of bedrooms in a home. Septic systems need time to breakdown solid waste. Continued overloading of the septic system could result in the septic field failing, causing an unhealthy discharge of unprocessed waste to ooze from the ground. As a general rule of thumb, septic systems need pumped out every 4 to 5 years. Furthermore, wells have a limited refresh rate. Running a well dry could destroy the motor. Fixing a well or a septic system is very costly and usually not covered by home owners insurance. Please limit the number of renters using your house.
Sky Valley is a family-friendly area. Historically, our membership has been comprised of older people. We have approximately 30 full-time residents and over 200 part-time residents. There are many expectations of what Sky Valley should be like if it is truly family-friendly. Over the recent years, our membership demographics now include younger adults, teenagers and young children. With this change in our owner population, we anticipate and expect more noise and increased traffic. More than ever, it is extremely important that everyone have fun responsibly. We expect everyone to move parties indoors in the late evening to respect people who go to bed early. Our unwritten rule is quiet hours begins at 11:00 p.m. In addition, for pedestrian safety and the prevention of pots holes and dust, please obey the 15 MPH speed limit. Also, more people means more trash. Be familiar with the trash policy located on the website at www.skyvalleydcl.com/Trash.html http://www.skyvalleydcl.com/Trash.html Please clean up after yourselves. All trash belongs inside the trash compactor not anywhere else. Renters, be kind to you hosts and take your trash to the trash compactor located across from and near the Sky Valley Office. Finally, we are discovering and having to pick up more beer cans than ever before around the marina. Lastly, party trash left on the picnic tables is something new and must stop.
With your help Sky Valley can be fun for everyone. Thank you for your support.