
Full Version: By-Laws after vote info
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In an effort to increase communication and transparency, the Board wants to provide an update on the vote on the revised bylaws at the Spring Membership Meeting. The bylaws passed with a vote of 143 for and 20 against.

We know many of you had concerns regarding the By-Laws.  The Board wants to assure you that your concerns have been heard and will be addressed. As noted at the Membership Meeting, the Board has established a Documentation Committee that will be reviewing all comments and concerns received regarding the bylaws (sanitized to remove names and personal info) and will be providing a recommendation to the Board on how to address each comment. The committee will also review and revise, as necessary, the rules and regulations. To that end, the Board is seeking two volunteers to participate on that committee. If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to <mailtoBig>.